The Scientific Research

Opere citate - L'acquifero sulfureo di frasassi: aspetti idrogeologici e naturalistici

If the tickets available online are sold out, it is still possible to buy them at the Ticket Office of the Caves. Admission is guaranteed.
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ATTENTION! Tickets ARE NOT REFUNDABLE, in case of non-use or arrival after the time written on the ticket. It will therefore be necessary to pay another ticket for a subsequent tour.
Access to dogs is allowed only with a pet carrier, not on a leash. For large dogs, 3 concrete dog boxes with a lockable front grille with padlock are available at the ticket office parking lot.
Located in a safe and shady place, they are not guarded. The visitor can use the pit space for a limited period of time for the visit to the cave, it cannot be booked and availability is requested once they arrive on site.

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